For Trusted and Instant Survey Solutions

Land survey services

Our Contacts

phone 0788807849
phone 0788807849

Kisaasi Bahai-road Kampala


A well experienced and all round survey services firm offering various services and consultancy across a wide spectrum in the field of land survey.

Services Offered:

Services include;
1.Boundary opening surveys.
2.Setting out of buildings, roads, power lines, pipelines.
3. Topographic surveys
4. Levelling
5. Land acquisition and resettlement
6. Titling and land transfers.
7. Land subdivision and amalgamation.

Location Kisaasi Bahai-road Kampala

Our Delivery Policy: We offer you survey services in a manner that fulfills your expectations.

Seller Availability

Monday TO Monday
Opening Time 8:00 am
Closing Time 6:00
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