Land, Plots, Houses for Sale & Rent

Real Estate Dealer



Our Contacts

phone 0707401209
phone 0785150198

Abayita Ababiri Entebbe


Abayita Property Agency is a Real Estate Agency dealing in land, houses and plots for sale with in Abayita Ababiri, Kitala, Nkumba, Kawuku, Entebbe, and surrounding areas. We also deal in rentals. As a client, you need to check out the available properties that are displayed in our catalogue and then get back to us with what property you need to be connected to. However, we have many more properties beyond what provided online, since many more come up everyday. So when you do not see what you want online, we can still get it for you. Give us a call and let us connect you.

Location Abayita Ababiri Entebbe

Our Delivery Policy: We take you to a land, plot, or house of your choice and you immediately make payment to us after getting to it.

Seller Availability

Monday TO Monday
Opening Time 8:00am
Closing Time 6:00pm
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