Free Agricultural Consultancy

Wholesaler and retailer

Our Contacts

phone 0753080650
phone 0744032829



Abayita Ababiri Entebbe, Next to Windy Bar.


Nkoba Agro Inputs is a company based in Uganda that provides various agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, pesticides, and seeds to farmers in East Africa. We aim to improve the productivity and profitability of smallholder farmers and promote sustainable agricultural practices. We deal in all agricultural equipment and inputs.

Download our App from Google play store.

Location Abayita Ababiri Entebbe, Next to Windy Bar.

Our Delivery Policy: We deliver for large orders. For smaller orders, the seller is kindly requested to pick their order or provide any additional costs for its delivery. Kindly get in touch with us through our contact numbers for further information.

Seller Availability

Monday TO Sunday
Opening Time 08:30am
Closing Time 7:00pm
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