Prices keep changing based on seasons and market dynamics
As you prepare to make your order, contact as to learn about prevailing prices for commodities. Price changes happen almost on a daily basis sometimes with wide shifts.
How to add half or quarter of the product into cart 🛒
If you are buying goods online and you want to purchase half or quarter of your desired product, the default figure of the unit quantity is "1", but you can adjust it by changing it to "0.5" (for half of the product) or "0.25" (for quarter of the product) to reduced the unit quantity. It can also be adjusted to 1.5, 1.25, 2.5, 3.5, etc to increase the unit quantity. However, note that certain lowered unit quantities may be below acceptable order value, or if accepted, may lead an increase in product price.
A bag of onions which weighs up to 75kgs is 145,000/=
Onions are one of the fastest consumer goods, being an ingredient that can never miss when preparing a meal. Buy onions today and deal in them as profitable venture.
Hello. You can order as much as you want from Nakasero food market right here, from fruits, vegetables, spices, rare foods and so on. Contact us to get in touch.