Brighter life, Better future




Our Contacts

phone 0707401209
phone 0785150198

Kampala and Entebbe katabi




1. Promots digestion
2. Releaves constipation
3. Enhances metabolism
4. It cleanses the stomach
5. It is an anti inflammatory
6. It stops Heart burn
7. It stops the running stomach
8. It is a toxins remover
9. It brings back appetite
10. Removes the Hemorrhoids
11.Reduces the fats and many others

We also do the full body systems check ups with good machines from USA

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Date:Monday - 24/Mar/2025 Time:18:42pm


✓Reduce various urinary symptoms such as frequent urination

✓Prevent prostate enlargement by antagonizing P.E.R receptor Urinary urgency and urinary dribbling

✓Maintain a balance of the entire urogenital system and reduce urinary dysfunction

✓Maintain healthy prostate

✓Powerful antioxidant and anti-ageing effect inhibit and eliminate free radicals

✓Prevents the conversion of testosterone to Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) DHT is the main cause of the prostate enlargement

✓ Helps in relieving pain in the lower back

#BFSuma #health #Cancer

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Date:Wednesday - 19/Mar/2025 Time:10:27am

Power of Nature Rebuilding Immunity

Living with HIV and taking ARVs can be a difficult journey, but we're here to support you every step of the way. Our supplement is designed to not only support your immune system, but also help relieve the possible side effects of ARVs and reduce the risk of organ failure. Made with high-quality ingredients, our supplement can help you feel more energized, focused, and overall healthier.

We understand that managing HIV can be overwhelming, which is why we're committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to stay on track with your health goals. Order now and take control of your health today!
We're here to help you.
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Ush. 265000/=

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Date:Friday - 14/Mar/2025 Time:23:01pm


• The superman power
• For man - Energetic and confident
• Dietary Supplement
• Epimedium and black ginger extract
• Fresh maca
• Taurine and L-Arginine capsules

#Quantity:* 30 capsules

#Manufacturer:* BF Suma USA

Bf Suma X power man plus capsules comprise powerful natural aphrodisiac substances. These aphrodisiac substances not only improve performance but also helps to raise sexual arousal and enjoyment.

*🔆#X power man plus capsules ingredients:

Fresh maca, Epimedium, black ginger, L-arginine, and Taurine.
✓ Epidemium is a natural organic aphrodisiac (stimulating desire) herb that is used as a performance enhancer.
✓ Fresh Maca energizes the body, increases the production of testosterone, and boosts sex drive.
✓ Black ginger helps in muscular metabolism and endurance.
✓ L-arginine is the raw material for sperm synthesis.
✓ Taurine boosts energy and relieves fatigue.
Bf suma X power man plus capsules contain the extra power every man must-have.

*🔆#Xpower man plus benefits*

✓ Enhances and improves sexual desires.
✓ Builds stamina by improving blood flow to the sexual organ hence stimulating arousal for that ultimate athletic performance.
✓ Increases sperm count, semen volume, and sperm motility.
✓ Prevents male impotence and erectile dysfunction.
✓ Relieves fatigue and exhaustion.
✓ Improves masculine power and strength.

*🔅#Suggested dosage:*

Take 1 to 2 Xpower man plus capsules daily after meals.
No side effects
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Ushs 165000/=
Ushs 170000/=

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Date:Tuesday - 11/Mar/2025 Time:15:45pm

Treatment for ulcers

There are so many products for ulcer and constipation treatment that are recommended.

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Date:Saturday - 17/Aug/2024 Time:16:52pm

Born and cartilage treatment

The products include; zaminocal, ethro extra, Dr. Cow, Back pain, Pain go, Sulfur, Erha 21 cream, Mkonka, etc.

They are good for borne and cartilage, provide zinc, magnesium, glucosamine, general for treatment and repairing of bornes and cartilage.

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Date:Saturday - 17/Aug/2024 Time:16:41pm

Women's care

The products include Femicare, Ladies Tea, and Water loo.
They help in improving water in women, virginal tightening, improvement in conceiving, fights infections, treats UTI, candida, gonorrhea, bad smell, and treats women who scream in bed.
Femicare refreshes the Virgina, improves Virginia enzymes, etc

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Date:Saturday - 17/Aug/2024 Time:16:28pm

Immune and Brain Booster

We have products such as "sharp vision, immune booster, and Dr. Cow." These products help in the following;
Good for eye sight, immunity, blood circulation in children, brain boosting, tumor, borne and cartilage, and good for iron in pregnant mothers, plus skin improvement.
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Date:Saturday - 17/Aug/2024 Time:16:12pm

Prostate relax products

Treats men by;
Protecting the prostate health
Add iron in men
Boosts immunity
Increases sperm count
Treats infections, like candida, UTI, gonorrhea, etc
Improves blood circulation
Even goes for eye sight
Improves man power and libido.
Protects against prostate cancer.
Prostate guard is 30000/=
Prostate relax is 108000/=
Feminargy is 128000/=
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Date:Saturday - 17/Aug/2024 Time:15:59pm

Welcome to BF Suma International

Tubanirizza ku duuka lyaffe elya BF Suma International products

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Date:Saturday - 17/Aug/2024 Time:15:08pm
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